Opening one bids are wide ranging so responses can be quite weak (5+)
Biddable (>Jxxx) major suits are preferred to minor suits of the same length
4441/4414 open 1H; 1444/4144 open 1D; 4-4 in minors open 1C
change of suit is forcing
principle of Fast Arrival (weakest option) in game forcing auctions
preempt style is aggressive in 1st and 3rd position NV
in competitive auctions first double by either partner tends to be take-out
2NT in competitive auctions is rarely natural (either sound raise, Lebensohl/Rubinsohl or two places to play)
Forcing passes in game forcing sequences or when we have freely bid a game (to make)
a) After a 1NT (bal 11-13pts) rebid nb. Other sequences similar:
eg. 1H – 1S 1C-1D-1NT/1C-1H-1NT/1C-1S-1NT
1NT (11-13pts) 1D-1H-1NT/1D-1S-1NT
2C- invitational checkback (possibly weak with diamonds) – FORCES 2D then responder continues:
Pass – weak with diamonds
2S – 5+ card suit, invitational (if opener bids 2NT it is non forcing)
2H – 3 card raise, invitational (if opener bids 2NT it is non forcing)
2NT – natural, invitational
b) After nb. Other sequences* similar:
eg. 1D – 1H 1C-1H-1NT/1C-1S-1NT
1NT (11-13pts) 1D-1H-1NT/1D/1S-1NT
2D- game forcing checkback – Opener bids the cheapest of;
3 card support (2H)
unbid 4 card major (2S)
5 card suit (3D)
none of above (2NT)
Responder then continues naturally
* NOT after 1C-1D-1NT– now 2D is invitational with 6 card suit
c) After nb. Other sequences similar:
eg 1C – 1S 1C-1H-1NT*/1C-1S-1NT
1NT (11-13pts) 1D-1H-1NT*/1D-1S-1NT/1H-1S-1NT
2S- is weak to play (likely 5 card suit)
2H- is natural, weak* (if response is 1H then 2S now is natural, forcing)
3C- natural, invitational
3D/3H – 5-5 invitational
3S- is GF good suit (go through 2D with weak suit)
d) After other sequences similar
eg. 1D – 1S 1D-1H-1NT/1H/1S/1NT
1NT (11-13pts) nb. after 1C opener is ONLY game forcing with support
2NT- either weak with clubs (likely 4 spades and 6 clubs) or game forcing with 5(+) spades and 4 card diamond support . - FORCES 3C then responder continues;
Pass – weak with clubs
3S– 6-4
3NT- 5422 (4 card diamond support)
3H – Splinter 5431 (4 card diamond support)
3D – Splinter in clubs (4 card diamond support)
e) After jump to 2NT showing 17-18pts bal
eg. 1D – 1S other similar sequences; 1C-1D/1H/1S-2NT;
2NT (17-18pts) 1D-1H-2NT; 1H-1S-2NT
3C- Checkback (all sequences game forcing) – Opener shows the lower of 3 card support (3S); 5 card suit (3D); an unbid 4 card suit (3H) or bids 3NT with none of these (so will invariably hold 4 clubs; ie. 2344) Continuations are natural.
f) After a 2NT rebid (showing 11-13 or 17-18pts bal with only a 4* card suit) following a “normal” 2 over 1 response (*may be poor 5 card)
eg. 1H-2D other similar sequences; 1D-2C-2NT; 1S-2D/2H-2NT
2NT (nb 1H-2C and 1S-2C are not “normal” 2 over 1 sequences)
3C- Checkback (all sequences game forcing) – Opener shows either ANY 17-18pts bal (rebids suit (3H)); 3 (or 4) card support 11-13pts bal (supports (3D)); 4 clubs 11-13pts bal (bids unbid suit (3S)); with none of these 11-13pts bal (3NT)
At the 2 level these are natural (in principle) showing a good 15+pts and are forcing to 2NT
1D – 1S
Responder now bids:
2S – 5+ card suit, forcing (to 3D), tends to deny 3 card support if game values
2NT – FORCES 3C* (either weak raise (5-8pts) in one of partners suits; good support for openers
main suit plus a shortage (*if openers main suit is clubs only bids 3C if prepared to play there)
3D – raise (likely 3 card) with values (9+pts)
3H – raise (4 card) with values (9+pts)
3C – FSF (no other suitable bid).
Opener now continues naturally (nb a rebid of responders suit (2S) does NOT promise extra values so openers next bid CAN be passed)
At the 3 level (or a jump) they are stronger and usually more distributional and are game forcing.
Generally 1st round controls are shown as a priority although occasionally this isn’t feasible. If a cue bid is doubled then responder usually;
Pass – requests further clarification from cue bidder (implies slam interest)
(now; RDBL – confirms A; NEW SUIT – second round plus further control; NT- confirms void)
RDBL – denies ANY control in the suit and implies little (further) interest
NEW SUIT – cue bid (usually with a control (first or second round) in suit Dbled)
If BOTH players have cue bid then 4NT suggests extra values but no suitable cue bid available
if only one or neither player has cue bid or if a jump then 4NT is RKCB for agreed (confirmed or by implication) suit.
5C – 1 or 4
5D – 0 or 3
5H – 2 but no Q of trumps
5S – 2 with Q of trumps (or unexpected extra length)
5NT – 2 plus an undisclosed void in a higher ranking suit
6 suit – 2 plus an undisclosed void in bid suit
If there is intervention over 4NT then; (DBL/RDBL = 1 or 4; Pass = 0 or 3; next bid = 2)
After the response to RKCB user can bid;
5D (over 5C response and M agreed) – asks for Q trumps
(5M – no Q, New suit – Q plus extra values; 5NT – Q no extras)
5NT – asks for specific Ks (excluding trumps)
(New suit – this K or other two; Trump suit – no K; 6NT- all other Ks)
NEW SUIT – requesting 3rd round control in suit (Grand slam try)
Minor suit – in uncontested auctions where a minor has been agreed (confirmed or by implication) a bid (often a jump) of 4 of the minor is RKCB with same response style and continuations.
1C 2C 1D 2D 1C 1H
4C 3D 4D 1S 4C
Exclusion – a triple jump (double if it cannot be showing shortage) in a new suit asks for aces excluding the suit bid (next bids show – 0 or 3; 1; 2; 2+Q)
A jump to 5NT asks for trump holding (top honours)
Minor agreed – 6m- 0 or 1; 6NT (must be playable)- 1+ extra (J or length); 7m- 2 or 3
Major agreed – 6C- 1+J; 6D- 1+extra length; 6M- 0 or 1; 7M- 2 or 3
A raise or jump to 5 of an agreed major usually* asks partner to bid slam with a better holding than might be expected. (*occasionally in “cramped competitive auctions” it requests a control in a suit which hasn’t been cue bid)
When a major has been agreed (in a non contested auction) and it is illogical to play in 3NT (ie a 9 card fit exists (or is likely to exist)) then 3NT suggests extra values and interest whilst a cue bid is more limited.
1NT 2D 1S 2H 1H 2NT
3H 3NT 3H 3NT 3D 3NT
In a few certain sequences (eg after a 2D showing 4441) a bid, usually in a known short suit asks for controls (A=2, K=1). Then responses are; 1st step – 0-5; 2nd step – 6 etc (if a further ask is possible it asks for specific Q (ie suit is only that or other two*; NT- none; sing suit- all 3*)
*not including singleton
At the 2 level sequences are forcing to 2NT; at the 3 level sequences are Game Forcing. It is used on hands where no other action is suitable. Generally these fall into one of the following types;
a) hands with invitational(+) hands with 5 card suit effectively looking for support
b) hands with invitational(+) balanced hands without an ideal stop
c) hands too strong for other rebids (eg very strong one suiters; strong support for openers second suit)
d) responder may also have a genuine 2 suiter with the fourth suit
In response opener should define shape and strength.
1H 1S
2C 2D
2H – usually minimum* probably 6 hearts but may be 2524 with no other bid available. * Since the sequence is forcing to 2NT opener may also have certain stronger hands (usually with 6+ hearts) which cannot be described by other bids.
2S – usually minimum* with 2 spades (Hx) (nb. Would have raised immediately to 2S after 1H-1S with 3514 minimum). * Again since the sequence is forcing to 2NT opener may have considerably stronger hands which are difficult to describe.
2NT – minimum with diamond stop. Likely 1534/2524 shape. Non forcing
3C- 5-5, forcing
3D*- natural, non minimum (ie 0544)
3H- non minimum* with 6 hearts (* with a very strong hand opener would start with 2H)
3S- non minimum with 3 spades. Likely 3514 shape.
3NT – non minimum (15-18pts) with diamond stop
* in some auctions opener can’t have length in the 4th suit. In this case a raise of the 4th suit shows a non minimum usually with an unsuitable stop for bidding 3NT and tolerance for responders suit.
Responder continues naturally with all bids except 2NT game forcing;
3C – strong support
2/3S – very strong single suiter (possibly 6-4 with fourth suit)
3H – likely Hx support uncertain of best contract
3D – natural, probably 5-5
2/3NT – natural, limited
Other FSF sequences are similar.
eg 1H-1NT-2C or 1S-1NT-2C
In all these sequences openers 2C rebid can be either :
a) limited (10-16pts) and natural (5M-4+C) or
b) stronger (16+pts) hands (any 5-4+; very strong single suited)
c) after a 1H opener medium strength (14-17pts) spade reverse (or possibly 4441/4414 shapes)
Responders next bid effectively defines the auctions
1H – 1NT
2C 2D- ALL 9+pts hand (except 3 card raise, 10-11pts)– sequences are now game forcing if opener has either type b) and forcing to 2NT if he has type c)
opener rebids:
2H- 5H-4C 10-13pts (NON-FORCING) Responder passes if minimum; 3C- to play;
3D- natural 5 card suit; 2NT- natural, invit.
3H- Hx 11-12pts; 3S- good raise in clubs
2S – 14-17pts either 5-4 or 4441/4414 Responder continues: 2NT- minimum no fit
(FORCING to 2NT) (opener should now bid 3C/3D min 4414/4441
3H/3S max 4414/4441 3NT/pass max/min 5-4)
2NT- 5H-4+C 14-15pts, INVITATIONAL Responder bids; pass/3C/3H/3NT- to play;
3D- nat 5 card suit non min, 3S- club fit
3C/3D- nat 5-4 16+pts, GAME FORCING Natural continuations
3H- strong single suiter, GAME FORCING Responder bids naturally (New suit- cue bid)
ALL OTHER REBIDS BY RESPONDER SHOW 5-9pts (except raise to 3H):
2H- 5-8/7pts 2/3 hearts opener continues: 2S- 4414/4441 14-15 (2NT
asks for minor); 3C/3D- 16+ 5-4; 3H- strong
single suiter; 2NT- 4414/4441 16-17
(responder bids minor);
2S- 5-8pts short hearts, 3 spades, both minors opener bids: pass/3C/3NT- to play; 3D/3H- very strong; 2NT- puppet to 3 (then pass/3D/3H – good but non forcing);
2NT- 5-8pts short hearts, both minors (5-5) opener bids as over 2S response (above)
3C/3D- 5-8pts 6 card suit opener bids naturally (3H- strong single suiter)
3H- 10-11pts balanced 3 card raise opener bids naturally (cue bids)
There are some minor differences following the 2D response if the opening bid is 1S:
1S – 1NT
2C – 2D (ALL 9+pts (except balanced 3 card raise)
2H- either 10-15pts 5314/5305 shape responder continues (assumes weak opener)
(FORCING TO 2S) 3H/4H- 5 card suit, max/min;
or 16+pts 5S 4H 2S- min, 2 spades; 3C- min (4+clubs);
(GAME FORCING)* 3D- max 4H (3H- forcing; 3S/3NT- not H)
*opener continues over any response 2NT- natural, bal 11-12pts; 3S- Hx max
3NT- max with 4 clubs (likely 2344
ALL OTHER REBIDS BY OPENER AS AFTER 1H-1NT-2C-2D (ie. 2S- 10-13pts 5S and 4+C; 2NT- 14-16pts 5S and 4+C; 3C/3D- 16+pts natural (5-4); 3H- 16+ 5-5; 3S- 16+ strong one suiter)
There are also minor differences with the other responses after 1S-1NT-2C:
2H- 4-5 card suit, 5-8pts opener passes if 5314/5224 but bids 2S if 5134
(denies 2 spades) (now 3C/3D are to play; 2NT suggests 5D/3C)
2NT- puppet to 3C (then Pass/3D/3H/3S- good but non forcing) 3C/3D/3H/3S- very strong
2S- 5-8/7pts 2/3 card support Pass- usual with 10-15pts; 2NT- puppet to 3C (then; Pass/3D/3H/3S- good but non forcing);
3C/3D/3H/3S- very strong
2NT- 5-8pts short spades, less than 3C/3D- to play, 3H- 5-4 16+pts, 3S- strong
4 hearts, both minors suiter; 3NT- to play; 4C/4D- invit
3C/3D/3H*- 5-9pts (*8-9pts) 6 card suit opener continues naturally
3S- 10-11pts balanced 3 card raise opener continues naturally (cue bids)
Rdbl and next TWO SUIT bids – transfer to next suit (5+ card suit)
Suit BELOW opening bid – constructive raise (usually 3 card support)
(opener completes transfer with all minimums; NT- natural; rebid/new suit/raise- natural, non min)
1NT- natural 6-9pts
(opener continues naturally)
Raises- weak, obstructive
Jump in new suit- fit jump, constructive (at least 5-4)
(opener continues naturally)
2NT- sound raise to 3+
(normal system operates)
Double Jump new suit- Splinter (limited)
(opener continues naturally)
Game Bids – natural, to play
nb. With 10+pts and no suitable bid (support, suit) pass then double/bid NT.
A similar scheme is used after a take-out double over other one level openings
If the take-out double is made after a response (eg 1D (pass) 1S (Dbl)) then opener bids as if no intervention with pass suggesting a poor 11-13 balanced and Rdbl showing 3 card support. After a raise (eg 1H (pass) 2H (Dbl)) a Rdbl suggests a 17-18pts bal with only 4 cards in suit opened.
Dbl - take out 6+pts (if overcall is 1D then Dbl PROMISES tolerance for both majors;
if overcall is 1H then Dbl PROMISES 3/4 spades;
if overcall is 1S then Dbl PROMISES 4 hearts)
(opener bids naturally)
New Suit- natural (**if at 1 level usually 5+ card suit 6+pts; if at 2 level 5+ suit, 11+pts) **
(opener bids as if no intervention with cue bid strong with 3 card support)
1NT- natural 6-9pts
(opener continues naturally)
Raises- natural, obstructive raises
Cue Bid- forcing, usually with 3 card support
(opener makes most descriptive bid available)
2NT- sound raise to at least 3
(sequences natural)
Jump New Suit- fit jumps (at least 5-4), constructive
(sequences natural)
Jump Cue Bid- Splinter raise
Game Bids – to play
If overcall is after response (eg 1D (pass) 1H (1S)) then opener bids as normal with Dbl showing 3 card support, pass suggesting a minimum, a cue bid showing a strong hand with no obvious alternative available. (nb Support doubles apply later (eg by opener after 1D (1H) 1S (2H) )
The general scheme if opponents intervene over a conventional or semi conventional response;
eg. 1D-1NT, 1H-1NT, 1S-1NT
1C-2C*, 1D-2D*
1H-2NT*, 1S-2NT*
1H-2C*, 1S-2C*
If opponents Dbl then System is ON with Pass showing 11-13pts balanced; Rdbl- 17-18pts balanced
(* promises only 4 card suit with other system bids showing 5 card suit)
If opponents Bid then System is OFF with pass suggesting a minimum (and no bid available); Dbl is take-out suggesting a non-minimum and bids natural
If opponents intervene in a game forcing sequence (eg 1D-2C, 1H-2D, 1S-2D, 1S-2H) then
After a Dbl; Pass- minimum (usually 11-13pts balanced); Rdbl- 3 card support; Bids- as system
After a Bid; Pass- minimum (and no bid available); Dbl- take-out suggesting a non-minimum; bids- natural
Dbl – suggests 9+pts and no primary fit
(If opponents pass then opener only bids with a minimum or distributional opening. If next opponent bids then Dbl is take-out
Raises – weak
2NT- sound raise (exposing possible psyche/off centre overcall)
New suit- non forcing 5+ card suit
If overcall is after initial response (eg 1C (pass) 1H (1NT) then opener bids naturally with Dbl suggesting 15+ with no fit)
Dbl – take-out usually promising 4+ cards in an unbid major
(opener continues naturally (cue bid shows a non minimum with no suitable alternative)
New suit at 2 level – natural, forcing for one round
(Opener bids naturally)
2NT and bids up to cue bid (including a raise if below cue bid)– show the next suit (usually a 6 card suit unless values to bid again) (Opener bids naturally (initially on the assumption responder has limited 6 card suit))
A transfer to opponents suit shows a sound raise suit
Cue Bid (3D)– game forcing usually with 3 card support
Raises – limited
Jump New suit – fit jump
Jump Cue Bid - splinter
Game bids – to play
The scheme depends on whether 2NT is available and the number of cue bids possible.
eg Michaels cue bid showing both majors (2NT available; 2 cue bids):
Dbl – no primary support, 9+pts, potentially looking for a penalty; New Suit (2 level) - natural 5+ card suit, forcing one round; 2H/2S – values in suit bid with 3 card support; Bids up to raise – transfer (if to raise shows a sound raise); Raises – limited; 3H/3S - Splinter raise; Jumps in other minor – fit jump; (4H/4S)/4NT - (Exclusion) Blackwood
Eg Michaels cuebid showing other major and an (unspecified) minor (2NT available; 1 cue bid)
Dbl – no primary support, 9+pts, potentially looking for a penalty; Cue bid (overcallers major) – forcing with 3 card support; 2NT and bids up to raise – transfer (if to raise shows a sound raise);
Raises – limited; Jumps in a minor – fit jump; Jump cue bid – splinter raise
Eg Unusual 2NT showing lowest two suits (2NT – Unavailable; 2 Cue bids)
Dbl – no primary support, 9+pts, potentially looking for a penalty; Raises – limited;
Lowest cue bid – 5+ card suit in unbid suit, forcing; Highest cue bid – sound raise
New suit – natural, 5+ card suit, non forcing; Jump in New suit – fit jump; Jump cue bid - Splinter
Over 1NT:
Direct Position:
Dbl (penalties)
Pass- requests Rdbl (opener can bid a decent 5 card suit instead) then: Pass – to play; 2C- Clubs + major; 2D- Diamonds + spades (rescue bids)
Rdbl – puppet to 2C with any weak long suit (passes or bids suit)
2C/2D/2H- rescue with suit bid and next higher (passes or bids next suit)
2S- 5+ card suit willing to compete (obstructive rather than encouraging)
2NT(C)/3C(D)/3D(H)/3H(S)- 5+ card suit guaranteeing some values (nb 3H(S)- is invitational)
3S- both minors (5-5+), invitational
Suit at 2 level (Natural): eg 1NT (2H)
2S (Suit at 2 level )– natural NF but competitive
Bids from 2NT to 3S are transfers (if suit available at 2 level then transfer is at least invitational)
2NT/3D- clubs/diamonds Opener usually transfers but can bid a new suit (values) with good
3D- promises 4 cards in spades 3H (cue bid) – asks for heart stop
(unbid major). GF 3S- non minimum with 4 spades
3NT- denies 4 spades but good heart stop
3H- spades (invitational or better) 3S- minimum
3NT- maximum, poor support
New suit- maximum (values) with support
4S- minimum with good support
3S – values for 3NT but no stop 3NT- to play
or 4 cards in an unbid major; 4C/4D- scramble, looking for fit
3NT- natural, good stop
Dbl –take-out with values for 2NT (or better) Pass – penalties
2NT- suggests no (or poor) stop minimums
3 Suit – usually 5 card suit (2 level may be 4)
Cue bid- maximum no clear bid
3NT- maximum with stop
Artificial bid at 2 level: As for natural overcalls except;
Cue bid 2 level- take-out;
Dbl- general values, suggests defending (if a 2 level cue bid isn’t available then Dbl is take-out)
Eg After 2C overcall showing hearts: Dbl- values at least Hxx in hearts suggesting a penalty; 2D/2S- natural, competitive; 2H- take-out; 2NT/3C- transfers at least invitational; 3D- (transfer to cue bid)- 4 cards in spades (3H now asks for stop); 3H- transfer (at least invitational values); 3S- values for 3NT but no stop or spades; (similar structure after a 2D overcall showing spades)
Eg After 2C overcall showing both majors; Dbl- values in at least one major suggesting a penalty; 2D- natural, competitive; 2H/2S- take-out of bid major; 2NT/3C- transfers at least invitational; 3D/3H-values for 3NT but no major stop in next suit; 3S- values for 3NT but no major stops
Eg After 2D overcall showing an unspecified major;Dbl- general values, balanced; 2H/2S- natural, at least competitive; 2NT/3C/3D*/3H*- transfers (*at least invitational), 3S- values for 3NT but no stops
Suit at 3 level: Dbl- take-out; suit- natural (F)
Indirect Position:
Over 1NT-2C: Dbl -
Pass – length (4+) in clubs suggests playing there Pass- >Hx/xxx; Rdbl- xx; 2D- both majors
2H/2S- show other major
Rdbl – promises a club stop 2D- both majors; 2H/2S- show OTHER major
2D/2H- as if no intervention but denies a club stop;
2S and higher – as if no intervention
Over 1NT-2D (or 1NT-2H):
Dbl –
Pass – length (4+) in suit suggests playing there;
Complete transfer – poor support (<xxx/Hx)
Rdbl – >Hxx support; higher bids – as if no intervention (good support)
Over 1NT-2S:
Dbl –
Pass – length (4+) in spades suggests playing there
Rdbl- PROMISES a spade stop (now 3C – weak)
2NT/3C- as if no intervention but denies a spade stop
After partner passes:
1NT (p) p (Dbl) – Opener can Rdbl with a good 5 card suit (responder passes or puppets with 2C)
1NT (p) p (bid) – Opener can Dbl for take-out with a maximum
Over 2C: (basic principle is opener is assumed to be 19-21pts bal)
Opponent Dbls:
Pass – 0-4pts no long suit (opener now passes/dbls with 19-21pts bal; 2NT- 25-28pts; suit- natural (GF))
Rdbl – requests opener bids 2D if 19-21pts bal (responder now bids pass/2H/2S/3C- to play; 2NT- minors)
if opener is stronger he bids as normal (2NT- 25-28pts bal), New suit- natural, GF)
2H/2S/2NT(C)/3C(D)- Transfers with a decent 5+ card suit and 5+pts (opener completes transfer if 19-21 bal)
3D(H)/3H(S)/3S(C)/3NT(D)- good 6 card suit headed by 2 top hons
2D- 5+pts usually balanced (opener continues naturally (2NT is either 19-21 or 25-28pts bal))
Opponents overcall:
methods are essentially the same as after intervention over 1NT (Rubensohl)
Pass- 0-4pts without a long suit (opener now passes/dbls with 19-21pts bal; 2NT- 25-28pts; suit- natural (GF))
Dbl- 5+ general values (opener continues naturally)
Suit at 2 level- natural, 5 card suit, weak
2NT and bids up to and including 3S- Rubensohl (transfer style) (with 19-21pts opener completes transfer)
opponents bid at higher level: Essentially natural (responder should bid with any hand worth a game try)
Over 2D: (basic principle is assumed to be weak with hearts)
Opponent Dbls:
Pass- prepared to play in D
Rdbl – requests opener (if weak with hearts) bids 2H (responder now passes/2S/3C- to play; 2NT- minors)
2H- promises heart tolerance (>Hx/xxx)
2S- good suit, forcing
3C/3D- natural with at least competitive values (opener bids as if no intervention)
3H- obstructive raise in H (assumes opener has weak 2 in H)
to cue bid good 2 suiter same colour); 4S/4NT- good 2 suiter same rank/odd)
2NT- asking (as no intervention)
Over 2H:
Opponent Dbls:
Rdbl – requests opener bids 2S (opener now passes; 2NT- both minors; 3C/3D- to play)
All other bids retain their usual meaning (nb 2S- promises spade tolerance (>Hxx))
Over 2S:
Opponent Dbls:
Rdbl – requests opener bids 2NT (all responders bids now are to play)
3C/3D/3H- natural with at least competitive values (opener bids naturally)
3S- obstructive raise
2NT- asking (as no intervention)
Over 2NT:
Opponent Dbls:
Rdbl- requests opener bids better minor (opener now passes; bids 3H/3S- to play)
All other bids retain their usual meaning (nb Pass is to play; 3C/3D- are definite preference)
NB In each case above (ie over 2D/2H/2S/2NT) if Opponent bids a suit:
Dbl- penalties; all other bids natural
HIGHER BIDS (pre-empts):
Intervention is dealt with naturally (Dbl/Rdbl both suggest penalties – if opener has a “stronger” than expected preempt he may make an “action” double)
a) SIMPLE OVERCALL – 7+pts, usually a 5+ card suit at 1 level and 6+ card suit at 2 level
Responses: 1NT- natural; New Suit- natural, forcing; Cue Bid- usually sound 3 card raise (after 2m overcall cue bid may look for major (2NT by overcaller is max, no M); 2NT- sound 4 card raise* (* if the overcall is at the 2 level 2NT is natural), Raises- obstructive; Jump New Suit- fit jump
Support Dbls/Rdbls are used in competitive auctions.
b) TAKE-OUT DOUBLE – 10+pts if minimum will have at least tolerance for all unbid suits
may also be the first action on very strong hands
Responses: New Suit- natural, 0-8pts; 1NT- natural, 5-9pts; Cue Bid- 9+pts, forcing one round, either playable in 2 suits or strong (GF); Jump New Suit- 8-11pts natural (usually 5+ card suit at 3 level); 2NT- 10-12pts natural
(doubler continues if strong; Suit- natural; Cue Bid- game forcing; Raises- natural, non minimum; NT- natural (1NT- 15-17pts; 2NT- 20-22pts))
In competitive auctions;
Responsive Dbls - usually 9+pts playable in more than one suit (if contains an unbid major the suit will be poor)in competitive auctions (nb a Dbl of a new suit/1NT is penalties)
eg (1H) Dbl (2H) Dbl (responsive often based on the minors)
Dbler now bids; New Suit- lowest suit, minimum; 2NT- most 16+pt hands; Cue bid- strong three suiter
c) 1NT- 17-20pts usually balanced with a stop
Responses – same sequences is over an opening 1NT although any bid normally showing length in the opponents suit now promises a pure 3 suiter (4441/5440) in the other suits
d) Cue Bid/2NT- promise two suiters, 5-5+ (Cue bid- majors or other major + either minor; 2NT- minors or other minor + either major). Usually weak or very strong
Responses (over Cue bid): Preference/raises- obstructive; 2NT- relay; New Suit- natural, forcing
(over 2NT): Cue Bid- initially asks for major (may be strong); New Suit- natural, forcing
e) Jump/Double Jump Overcalls – weak, pre-emptive
f) Jump Cue Bid- asks for a stop (usually promises a solid suit) nb a jump to 3NT shows a solid suit +stops
g) Double Jump Cue Bid- very good major (solid suit plus outside controls/values)
Changes in Protective Position (eg. (1X) p (p) ?)
1NT- 10-14pts (responses as over 1NT)
2NT- 18-20pts (responses as over 2NT)
Jump Overcalls- intermediate
Cue Bid- weak take out
(other overcalls retain the same meaning but may be limited if passed originally)
Changes in 4th position (eg (1X) p (1Y) ?):
Cue Bid (2X)/2NT – weak two suiters (longer in higher ranking/lower ranking suit)
Cue Bid (2Y)- natural, good suit
(other overcalls retain the same meaning)
Reopening bids (eg (1Y) 2X (2Y) p (p) ?) :
Dbl/2NT- take-out with emphasis on higher/lower suit (eg 6-4 shape)
(other bids natural)
Double- penalties (in principle)
partner only removes the double if weak (0-5pts) or distributional (2NT-two suited; 3 level- good 6+suit)
If the opponents “escape” to a minor or Rdbl then: Pass- forcing; suit bid- weak; Dbl- take out
If the opponents “escape” to a major then: Pass- weak; Dbl- take out; Bids of 2NT to 3S Rubensohl
2C- either both majors or diamonds
partner bids to the limit of potential fit; 2NT- relay (3C-majors, 3D- diamonds, min; 3H/3S/3NT(C)- diamonds, max with feature)
2D- either major (single suiter in principle) or both minors
partner bids 2H/2S- to play opposite major; 2NT- relay (3C/3H- H (max/min); 3D/3S- S (max/min); 3NT-C+D)
2H/2S- major plus minor (minor often better/longer)
partner bids naturally; 2NT- initially asks for minor
2NT- sound overcall in clubs
partner bids naturally; 3C- to playable
nb. The same defence operates in 4th position but by a passed hand; Dbl- either both majors or a minor; 2C- clubs and another suit; 2D- D+ a major; 2H/2S- bid major (nb. Bids are “limited (shape/strength))
In the indirect position (eg over STAYMAN or TRANSFER) Dbl- shows suit bid; Cue Bid- (if available) take-out; 2NT- 2 suited; New suit- natural; (Pass initially with strong hands then bid as appropriate)
Dbl- three suited (promises 3+spades) nb. Over a Polish/2 way club is normal take-out
1D- either sound overcall in HEARTS or weak/very strong BLACK two suiter
1H- either sound overcall in SPADES or weak/very strong MINOR two suiter
1S- either sound overcall in CLUBS or weak/very strong RED two suiter
1NT- either sound overcall in DIAMONDS or weak/very strong MAJOR two suiter
2C- weak CLUB+HEART two suiter
2D- weak DIAMOND+SPADE two suiter
2H/2S- weak jump overcall
2NT- very strong CLUB+HEART or DIAMOND+SPADE two suiter
(nb with strong hands pass initially then compete as appropriate)
In all cases responder jump bids to the limit of the fit ;2NT (relay) is strong, forcing (3C-shows weak 2 suiter (except when shown suit is clubs (then 3D); other bids are natural (3 of shown suit is minimum); completion of transfer is non forcing (overcaller removes to lower suit of two suiter); 1NT is natural (assuming shown suit so overcaller removes to lower suit of weak two suiter); New suit (including “raise”) is natural, forcing
NB. The same basic defence is used after a 2C(strong) opener; a strong 1D opener* or after 1C/2C-1D/2D* (* Dbl now shows hearts or black suits (ie there is NO take out bid))
Double and bids up to cue bid – show the NEXT suit up (responder bids as if overcall in suit shown
nb no cue bid is available as 2 of short minor is natural, forcing)
1NT- 17-20pts balanced (responder bids as usual over 1NT (transfers to possible short suit are natural)
CUE BID- both majors (as normal)
2NT- both minors (as normal)
JUMP OVERCALLS (all suits)- weak
nb. with a normal take-out double of the minor pass initially and take appropriate action next round
eg. Lucas 2 bids – treat as a weak 2 bid (Dbl- take out; Suit- natural; 2NT- natural; Cue bid- both minors; 4C/4D- bid minor plus other major)
eg. Major 2 suiter (eg 2H- majors)- Dbl- 4+spades; 2S- minor suit take-out; 2NT- natural; 3C/3D- natural
eg 2NT (minors)- Dbl- take-out (usually bal); 3C(H)/3D(S)- take out with better M; 3H/3S- natural
Double – either balanced 13-16 or 20-22pts or strong minor (Lebensohl style responses assuming 13-16 bal)
2H/2S/3C/3D/3H/3S- natural (3H/3S show good single suiters)
2NT- 17-20pts balanced (normal sequences after a 2NT bid)
Holding a 2 or 3 suited hand pass initially then; Dbl- take out; 2NT- minors; 3C/3D- minor plus major (probably 5/6-4); other major- this major plus a minor
nb. In the indirect position (eg (2D) p (2H/2S) ? defence is as if a weak 2 in the major bid had been opened
Double – take out (Lebensohl style responses)
2NT- 15-19pts bal (normal sequences after a 2NT bid)
NEW SUIT- natural (natural continuations)
CUE BID/4C/4D- good two suiters (minors/minor+other major)
Double – take-out (natural responses; cue bid suggests two places to play)
New Suit (3 level or game) - natural (natural responses)
4C/4D – over 3M preempt – non leaping Michaels (minor bid + other major)
over 3m preempt – both majors (C- equal length or longer H; D- longer S)
3NT- wide range (could also have long suit) (4C-asks (suiter same colour); 4D/4H*/4S*- min (no/bid major);
4NT- max (18+); 5C/5D- long suit (*if a cue bid shows 18+with other major); 4D/4H- transfers (*if
to cue bid good 2 suiter same colour); 4S/4NT- good 2 suiter same rank/odd)
(nb over a 4 level pre-empt Dbl whilst still take out promises some defence; 4NT- suggests a 2 suiter)
Defence to other specialised openings follow similar schemes.