

22-24pts balanced

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3C major suit enquiry
2NT 3D transfer to hearts ((game forcing))
2NT 3H transfer to spades

(game forcing)

identical sequences to 2NT-3D;
2NT 3S minor suit interest
2NT 3NT to play

Opener always passes
2NT 4C Major 2 suiter (5-5) game values only or slam going
2NT 4D transfer to 4H

(bids on if slam going)
2NT 4H transfer to 4S

(bids on if slam going)
2NT 4S both minors (6-5) game values only
2NT 4NT invitational

2NT 3C

major suit enquiry

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3C 3D at least one 4 card major
2NT 3C 3H no 4 or 5 card major
2NT 3C 3S/3NT(H) 5 card major

New Suit – cue bid

2NT 3C 3D

at least one 4 card major

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3C 3D 3H 4 spades

(if opener bids 3NT responder can bid 4C/4D to suggest a 5+ card suit)
2NT 3C 3D 3S 4 hearts

(over 3NT; 4C/4D – suggest a 5 card suit)
2NT 3C 3D 3NT to play
2NT 3C 3D 4C minor suit ask
2NT 3C 3D 4D both majors

opener chooses

2NT 3C 3D 3H

4 spades

(if opener bids 3NT responder can bid 4C/4D to suggest a 5+ card suit)

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3C 3D 3H 3S agrees suit (max)
2NT 3C 3D 3H 3NT 4H (not 4S)
2NT 3C 3D 3H 4C/4D cue bid (min)

2NT 3C 3D 3S

4 hearts

(over 3NT; 4C/4D – suggest a 5 card suit)

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3C 3D 3S 3NT 4S (not 4H)
2NT 3C 3D 3S 4C/4D cue bid

2NT 3C 3D 4C

minor suit ask

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3C 3D 4C 4D D(+ a major)
2NT 3C 3D 4C 4H/4S C+ bid major

2NT 3C 3H

no 4 or 5 card major

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3C 3H 3S 5S and 4H
2NT 3C 3H 3NT to play
2NT 3C 3H 4C minor suit ask

4D- 5D; 4H- 5C;; 4S- both; 4NT-4333
2NT 3C 3H 4D natural (usually 5+ D plus a major) (Natural)
2NT 3C 3H 4H/4S 4 card suit with 5+C (Natural)

2NT 3C 3H 3S

5S and 4H

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3C 3H 3S 4C/4D cue bid (S)

2NT 3D

transfer to hearts

(game forcing)

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3D 3H <3 card heart support
2NT 3D 3S/4C/4D 4 card support plus control (New Suit – cue bid)
2NT 3D 3NT 3 card support

New Suit – cue bid

2NT 3D 3H

<3 card heart support

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3D 3H 3S natural 5-4
2NT 3D 3H 3NT offers choice (may be limited 5431) (opener chooses)
2NT 3D 3H 4C/4D natural, not minimum (Natural)
2NT 3D 3H 4H mild slam try (otherwise bid 4D directly)

2NT 3D 3H 3S

natural 5-4

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3D 3H 3S 4C/4D cue bid (S)

2NT 3H

transfer to spades

(game forcing)

identical sequences to 2NT-3D;

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3H 3S <3 card spade support
2NT 3H 3NT 3 card support

New Suit – cue bid
2NT 3H 4C/4D/4H 4 card support plus control (New Suit – cue bid)

2NT 3H 3S

<3 card spade support

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3H 3S 3NT choice; 4C/4D- natural; 4H(5-5)/4S- slam interest

2NT 3S

minor suit interest

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3S 3NT normal rebid if lacking a 4 card minor
2NT 3S 4C/4D decent 4 card suit

OTHER MINOR (max)/4NT(min)- 6+ in other minor

2NT 3S 3NT

normal rebid if lacking a 4 card minor

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3S 3NT 4C/4D natural usually 6+ suit, slam interest (cue bid)
2NT 3S 3NT 4H/4S shortage with both minors (5-4+)
2NT 3S 3NT 4NT usually 5422

2NT 3S 4C/4D

decent 4 card suit

OTHER MINOR (max)/4NT(min)- 6+ in other minor

Rebid Meaning
2NT 3S 4C/4D 4H/4S cue bid (agree bid minor)

2NT 4C

Major 2 suiter (5-5) game values only or slam going

Rebid Meaning
2NT 4C 4D no preference
2NT 4C 4H/4S preference

2NT 4C 4D

no preference

Rebid Meaning
2NT 4C 4D 4H/4S natural (choice)

Appendix 4

2NT 4C 4H/4S


Rebid Meaning

Appendix 4

2NT 4D

transfer to 4H

(bids on if slam going)

Rebid Meaning
2NT 4D 4H openers only bid

New Suit – Exclusion Blackwood

2NT 4D 4H

openers only bid

New Suit – Exclusion Blackwood

Rebid Meaning

Appendix 4

2NT 4H

transfer to 4S

(bids on if slam going)

Rebid Meaning
2NT 4H 4S openers only bid

New Suit – Exclusion Blackwood

2NT 4H 4S

openers only bid

New Suit – Exclusion Blackwood

Rebid Meaning

Appendix 4

2NT 4S

both minors (6-5) game values only

Rebid Meaning
2NT 4S 4NT no preference
2NT 4S 5C/5D preference

2NT 4S 4NT

no preference

Rebid Meaning
2NT 4S 4NT 5C/5D natural (choice)
