

shows any 4441 18+pts

Rebid Meaning
2D 2H weak (to play unless singleton)
2D 2S weak (to play unless singleton)
2D 2NT asking for singleton
2D 3C/3D Weak, 6 card suit

opener passes unless 4 card support

2D 2H

weak (to play unless singleton)

Rebid Meaning
2D 2H 2S 18-20pts (singleton in H) (natural)
2D 2H 2NT 21-23pts (singleton in H) (natural)
2D 2H 3C/3D/3H 21-23pts 4H with singleton in next suit

Sing suit – asks for controls (Appendix 4)

2D 2S

weak (to play unless singleton)

Rebid Meaning
2D 2S 2NT 21-23pts (singleton in S) (natural)
2D 2S 3C 18-20pts (singleton in S) (natural)
2D 2S 3D/3H/3S 21-23pts 4S with singleton in next suit

Sing suit – asks for controls (Appendix 4)

2D 2NT

asking for singleton

Rebid Meaning
2D 2NT 3C/3D/3H/3S suit below singleton

Sing suit – asks for controls (Appendix 4); New Suit- sets suit
