14-16pts balanced
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2C | major suit enquiry |
1NT 2D | transfer to hearts |
1NT 2H | transfer to spades All sequences are similar to those following 1NT-2D: |
1NT 2S | shows clubs (5 good or 6+) |
1NT 2NT | shows diamonds (5 good or 6+) ((could be weak 5-5 in minors)) |
1NT 3C | shows a hand with a singleton (S) And 4 hearts |
1NT 3D | 5+ good/6+ suit club shortage |
1NT 3H/3S | shortage with 5-4 in minors and 3 card major |
1NT 3NT | to play |
1NT 4C | 5-5 Majors game (only) or slam going |
1NT 4D | transfer to 4H to play/ slam going |
1NT 4H | transfer to 4S to play/slam going |
1NT 4S | both minors (6-5) game values only |
1NT 4NT | invitational (likely 4333) opener passes, bids a suit suggesting a good 5 card suit or raises |
major suit enquiry
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2C 2D | promises at least one 4 card major |
1NT 2C 2H | no 4 or 5 card major |
1NT 2C 2S | 5 spades, minimum |
1NT 2C 2NT | 5 hearts, minimum |
1NT 2C 3C/3D | max with 6 card minor (New suit- cue bid) |
1NT 2C 3H/3S | max with 5 card major (New Suit – cue bid) |
promises at least one 4 card major
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2C 2D 2H | 4 spades (may have 4 hearts and 4/5S invit) values for 2NT 2S/3S- min/max 4S; |
1NT 2C 2D 2S | 4 hearts (denies 4 spades) values for 2NT |
1NT 2C 2D 2NT | natural, invitational, no major (New suit- weak stop(xx)) |
1NT 2C 2D 3C | Minor suit ask |
1NT 2C 2D 3D | both majors GF |
4 spades (may have 4 hearts and 4/5S invit) values for 2NT
2S/3S- min/max 4S;
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2C 2D 2H 2NT | min 4H |
1NT 2C 2D 2H 3C/3D | max 4H+4m |
1NT 2C 2D 2H 3H | max both majors |
1NT 2C 2D 2H 3NT | max prob 3433 |
4 hearts (denies 4 spades) values for 2NT
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2C 2D 2S 2NT | min 4S |
1NT 2C 2D 2S 3C/3D | max 4S+4m |
1NT 2C 2D 2S 3H/3S | min/max 4H |
1NT 2C 2D 2S 3NT | max prob 4333 |
Minor suit ask
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2C 2D 3C 3D | no minor 3H(c)/3S(d)- suit |
both majors GF
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2C 2D 3D 3H/3S | major |
1NT 2C 2D 3D 3NT | both |
no 4 or 5 card major
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2C 2H 2S | 5S and 4H invitational (Natural) |
1NT 2C 2H 2NT | natural, invitational New suit-weak stop(xx) |
1NT 2C 2H 3C | Minor suit ask continuations as after 1NT-2C-2D-3C (3D-both) |
1NT 2C 2H 3D | 5 card suit (not 2 top hons) plus a 4 card M |
1NT 2C 2H 3H/3S | 4 card suit with 5 clubs (not 2 top hons) |
5 spades, minimum
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2C 2S 2NT | natural New suit-weak stop(xx) |
1NT 2C 2S 3C/3D | natural (Natural) |
1NT 2C 2S 3H | slam interest in spades 3S- max; 4S/3NT- min; cue bid (non max) |
5 hearts, minimum
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2C 2NT 3C/3D | natural (Natural) |
1NT 2C 2NT 3H | to play |
1NT 2C 2NT 3S | slam interest in hearts |
slam interest in hearts
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2C 2NT 3S 3NT | max; cue bid |
max with 6 card minor
New suit- cue bid
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2C 3C/3D 3NT | to play |
1NT 2C 3C/3D 4C/4D (raise) | RKCB Appendix 4 |
max with 5 card major
New Suit – cue bid
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2C 3H/3S 3NT/Raise | to play |
transfer to hearts
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2D 2H | denies 4 card support |
1NT 2D 2S/3C/3D | maximum with three card support (min K10x) and suit with reasonable chance of 4 tricks opposite an honour (3D (if available) – re-transfer to 3H) |
1NT 2D 2NT | maximum with 4 card support |
1NT 2D 3H | minimum with 4 card support |
denies 4 card support
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2D 2H 2S | natural 5-4 may only be invit (forcing to 2NT) (continues if game values) |
1NT 2D 2H 2NT | invitational (Natural) |
1NT 2D 2H 3C/3D | natural |
1NT 2D 2H 3H | 6 card suit, invitational (Natural) |
1NT 2D 2H 3S/4C/4D | self Splinter, good 6 card suit (cue bid) |
1NT 2D 2H 3NT | usually 5332 opener chooses |
1NT 2D 2H 4H | mild slam try, probably no shortage (Natural) |
natural 5-4 may only be invit (forcing to 2NT) (continues if game values)
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2D 2H 2S 2NT | to play if invit |
1NT 2D 2H 2S 3C/3D | max + fit (H/S) |
1NT 2D 2H 2S 3H/3S | min + fit (H/S) |
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2D 2H 2NT 3H/3NT/4H | to play |
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2D 2H 3C/3D 3H | max (3H) New suit- cue bid; agreeing minor |
maximum with three card support (min K10x) and suit with reasonable chance of 4 tricks opposite an honour
3D (if available) – re-transfer to 3H
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2D 2S/3C/3D 3NT | serious slam try New Suit- slam interest, shortage cue bid; cue bid |
maximum with 4 card support
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2D 2NT 3C/3S/3H(D) | slam interest (cue bid) |
1NT 2D 2NT 3D | re-transfer llmited cue bid |
minimum with 4 card support
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2D 3H 3S/4C/4D | slam interest, shortage (cue bid) |
1NT 2D 3H 3NT | serious slam try (cue bid) |
transfer to spades
All sequences are similar to those following 1NT-2D:
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2H 2S | denies 4 card support 2NT-invit with 5S; 3C/3D/3H-natural; 3S- 6+ invit 4C/4D/4H-self splinter 6+; 4S- mild slam try; 3NT-choice |
1NT 2H 2NT | maximum with 4 card support 3C/3D- slam interest; 3H- re-transfer |
1NT 2H 3C/3D/3H | max with 3 card support (min K10x) and suit promising 4 tricks opposite an hon. 3H (if available)- re-transfer to 3S; New Suit- slam interest, shortage; 3NT- serious slam try |
1NT 2H 3S | 4 card support, minimum New suit- shortage, 3NT- serious slam try |
shows clubs (5 good or 6+)
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2S 2NT | denies Hxx or better in clubs |
1NT 2S 3C | promises Hxx or better in clubs Continuations as after 1NT-2S-2NT: |
denies Hxx or better in clubs
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2S 2NT 3C | to play |
1NT 2S 2NT 3D | shortage (may have a 4 card major if 5 good or 6 clubs) |
1NT 2S 2NT 3H | shortage (denies 4 diamonds but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 clubs) |
1NT 2S 2NT 3S | shortage (denies a second suit) (Natural) |
1NT 2S 2NT 3NT | to play |
1NT 2S 2NT 4C | slam try (probably no shortage) (cue bid) |
1NT 2S 2NT 4D | RCKB (for clubs) (Appendix 4) |
1NT 2S 2NT 4H/4S | 6-5 limited |
1NT 2S 2NT 4NT | invitational with likely 5332 |
shortage (may have a 4 card major if 5 good or 6 clubs)
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2S 2NT 3D 3H/3S | natural |
1NT 2S 2NT 3D 3NT | natural |
shortage (denies 4 diamonds but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 clubs)
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2S 2NT 3H 3S | natural |
1NT 2S 2NT 3H 3NT | natural |
promises Hxx or better in clubs
Continuations as after 1NT-2S-2NT:
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2S 3C Pass | weak |
1NT 2S 3C 3D | shortage (may have a 4 card major if 5 good or 6 clubs) |
1NT 2S 3C 3H | shortage (denies 4 diamonds but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 clubs) |
1NT 2S 3C 3S | shortage (denies a second suit) (Natural) |
1NT 2S 3C 3NT | to play |
1NT 2S 3C 4C | slam try (probably no shortage) (cue bid) |
1NT 2S 3C 4D | RCKB (for clubs) (Appendix 4) |
1NT 2S 3C 4H/4S | 6-5 limited |
1NT 2S 3C 4NT | invitational with likely 5332 |
shortage (may have a 4 card major if 5 good or 6 clubs)
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2S 3C 3D 3H/3S | natural |
1NT 2S 3C 3D 3NT | natural |
shortage (denies 4 diamonds but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 clubs)
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2S 3C 3H 3S | natural |
1NT 2S 3C 3H 3NT | natural |
shows diamonds (5 good or 6+)
(could be weak 5-5 in minors)
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2NT 3C | denies Hxx or better in diamonds |
1NT 2NT 3D | promises Hxx or better in diamonds |
denies Hxx or better in diamonds
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2NT 3C Pass | weak 5-5 in minors |
1NT 2NT 3C 3D | to play |
1NT 2NT 3C 3H | shortage (denies 4 clubs but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 diamonds) |
1NT 2NT 3C 3S | shortage (denies a second suit) (Natural) |
1NT 2NT 3C 3NT | to play |
1NT 2NT 3C 4C | RKCB (for diamonds) (Appendix 4) |
1NT 2NT 3C 4D | slam try (probably no shortage) (cue bid) |
1NT 2NT 3C 4H/4S | 6-5 limited |
1NT 2NT 3C 4NT | invitational with likely 5332 |
shortage (denies 4 clubs but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 diamonds)
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2NT 3C 3H 3S | natural |
1NT 2NT 3C 3H 3NT | natural |
promises Hxx or better in diamonds
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2NT 3D Pass | weak |
1NT 2NT 3D 3H | shortage (denies 4 clubs but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 diamonds) |
1NT 2NT 3D 3S | shortage (denies a second suit) (Natural) |
1NT 2NT 3D 3NT | to play |
1NT 2NT 3D 4C | RCKB (for diamonds) (Appendix 4) |
1NT 2NT 3D 4D | slam try (probably no shortage) (cue bid) |
1NT 2NT 3D 4H/4S | 6-5 limited |
1NT 2NT 3D 4NT | invitational with likely 5332 |
shortage (denies 4 clubs but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 diamonds)
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 2NT 3D 3H 3S | natural |
1NT 2NT 3D 3H 3NT | natural |
shows a hand with a singleton (S) And 4 hearts
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 3C 3D | asks for responders 5+ card minor 3H(C)/3S(D)- shows minor (5431/6421 shape) |
1NT 3C 3H | agrees hearts |
1NT 3C 3S/3NT | max/min with good (double) spade stop |
asks for responders 5+ card minor
3H(C)/3S(D)- shows minor (5431/6421 shape)
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 3C 3D 3NT | exactly 1444 (only game values) (Natural) |
agrees hearts
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 3C 3H 3S | likely void (0436/0463) (cue bid) |
1NT 3C 3H 3NT | serious slam try (cue bid) |
1NT 3C 3H 4C/4D | good suit (cue bid) |
max/min with good (double) spade stop
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 3C 3S/3NT 3NT | minimum, no slam interest |
1NT 3C 3S/3NT 4C/4D | slam try (cue bid) |
5+ good/6+ suit club shortage
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 3D 3H/3S | natural looking for fit |
natural looking for fit
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 3D 3H/3S 3NT/Raise | minimum, no fit/fit |
1NT 3D 3H/3S 4C/4D | maximum, fit/no fit (3S- over 3H is natural) cue bid |
shortage with 5-4 in minors and 3 card major
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 3H/3S 3NT/5C/5D | minimum continuations show slam going hand |
1NT 3H/3S 4C/4D | maximum, slam try UNBID MAJOR- suggests playing there if 3 card support (5431); Raise of shortage major – choose a minor New Suit – cue bid |
maximum, slam try
UNBID MAJOR- suggests playing there if 3 card support (5431); Raise of shortage major – choose a minor
New Suit – cue bid
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 3H/3S 4C/4D 4NT | 5-5 New Suit – cue bid choose minor |
5-5 Majors game (only) or slam going
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 4C 4D | no preference |
1NT 4C 4H/4S | preference |
no preference
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 4C 4D 4H/4S | natural (choice) |
1NT 4C 4D 4NT | RCKB Appendix 4 |
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 4C 4H/4S 4NT | RCKB Appendix 4 |
transfer to 4H to play/ slam going
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 4D 4H | openers only bid New Suit – Exclusion Blackwood |
openers only bid
New Suit – Exclusion Blackwood
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 4D 4H 4NT | RKCB Appendix 4 |
transfer to 4S to play/slam going
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 4H 4S | openers only bid New Suit – Exclusion Blackwood |
openers only bid
New Suit – Exclusion Blackwood
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 4H 4S 4NT | RKCB Appendix 4 |
both minors (6-5) game values only
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 4S 4NT | no preference |
1NT 4S 5C/5D | preference |
no preference
Rebid | Meaning |
1NT 4S 4NT 5C/5D | natural (choice) |