

14-16pts balanced

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2C major suit enquiry
1NT 2D transfer to hearts
1NT 2H transfer to spades

All sequences are similar to those following 1NT-2D:
1NT 2S shows clubs (5 good or 6+)
1NT 2NT shows diamonds (5 good or 6+) ((could be weak 5-5 in minors))
1NT 3C shows a hand with a singleton (S) And 4 hearts
1NT 3D 5+ good/6+ suit club shortage
1NT 3H/3S shortage with 5-4 in minors and 3 card major
1NT 3NT to play
1NT 4C 5-5 Majors game (only) or slam going
1NT 4D transfer to 4H to play/ slam going
1NT 4H transfer to 4S to play/slam going
1NT 4S both minors (6-5) game values only
1NT 4NT invitational (likely 4333)

opener passes, bids a suit suggesting a good 5 card suit or raises

1NT 2C

major suit enquiry

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2C 2D promises at least one 4 card major
1NT 2C 2H no 4 or 5 card major
1NT 2C 2S 5 spades, minimum
1NT 2C 2NT 5 hearts, minimum
1NT 2C 3C/3D max with 6 card minor (New suit- cue bid)
1NT 2C 3H/3S max with 5 card major (New Suit – cue bid)

1NT 2C 2D

promises at least one 4 card major

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2C 2D 2H 4 spades (may have 4 hearts and 4/5S invit) values for 2NT

2S/3S- min/max 4S;
1NT 2C 2D 2S 4 hearts (denies 4 spades) values for 2NT
1NT 2C 2D 2NT natural, invitational, no major (New suit- weak stop(xx))
1NT 2C 2D 3C Minor suit ask
1NT 2C 2D 3D both majors GF

1NT 2C 2D 2H

4 spades (may have 4 hearts and 4/5S invit) values for 2NT

2S/3S- min/max 4S;

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2C 2D 2H 2NT min 4H
1NT 2C 2D 2H 3C/3D max 4H+4m
1NT 2C 2D 2H 3H max both majors
1NT 2C 2D 2H 3NT max prob 3433

1NT 2C 2D 2S

4 hearts (denies 4 spades) values for 2NT

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2C 2D 2S 2NT min 4S
1NT 2C 2D 2S 3C/3D max 4S+4m
1NT 2C 2D 2S 3H/3S min/max 4H
1NT 2C 2D 2S 3NT max prob 4333

1NT 2C 2D 3C

Minor suit ask

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2C 2D 3C 3D no minor

3H(c)/3S(d)- suit

1NT 2C 2D 3D

both majors GF

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2C 2D 3D 3H/3S major
1NT 2C 2D 3D 3NT both

1NT 2C 2H

no 4 or 5 card major

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2C 2H 2S 5S and 4H invitational (Natural)
1NT 2C 2H 2NT natural, invitational

New suit-weak stop(xx)
1NT 2C 2H 3C Minor suit ask

continuations as after 1NT-2C-2D-3C (3D-both)
1NT 2C 2H 3D 5 card suit (not 2 top hons) plus a 4 card M
1NT 2C 2H 3H/3S 4 card suit with 5 clubs (not 2 top hons)

1NT 2C 2S

5 spades, minimum

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2C 2S 2NT natural

New suit-weak stop(xx)
1NT 2C 2S 3C/3D natural (Natural)
1NT 2C 2S 3H slam interest in spades

3S- max; 4S/3NT- min; cue bid (non max)

1NT 2C 2NT

5 hearts, minimum

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2C 2NT 3C/3D natural (Natural)
1NT 2C 2NT 3H to play
1NT 2C 2NT 3S slam interest in hearts

1NT 2C 2NT 3S

slam interest in hearts

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2C 2NT 3S 3NT max; cue bid

1NT 2C 3C/3D

max with 6 card minor

New suit- cue bid

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2C 3C/3D 3NT to play
1NT 2C 3C/3D 4C/4D (raise) RKCB

Appendix 4

1NT 2C 3H/3S

max with 5 card major

New Suit – cue bid

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2C 3H/3S 3NT/Raise to play

1NT 2D

transfer to hearts

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2D 2H denies 4 card support
1NT 2D 2S/3C/3D maximum with three card support (min K10x) and suit with reasonable chance of 4 tricks opposite an honour (3D (if available) – re-transfer to 3H)
1NT 2D 2NT maximum with 4 card support
1NT 2D 3H minimum with 4 card support

1NT 2D 2H

denies 4 card support

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2D 2H 2S natural 5-4 may only be invit (forcing to 2NT) (continues if game values)
1NT 2D 2H 2NT invitational (Natural)
1NT 2D 2H 3C/3D natural
1NT 2D 2H 3H 6 card suit, invitational (Natural)
1NT 2D 2H 3S/4C/4D self Splinter, good 6 card suit (cue bid)
1NT 2D 2H 3NT usually 5332

opener chooses
1NT 2D 2H 4H mild slam try, probably no shortage (Natural)

1NT 2D 2H 2S

natural 5-4 may only be invit (forcing to 2NT) (continues if game values)

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2D 2H 2S 2NT to play if invit
1NT 2D 2H 2S 3C/3D max + fit (H/S)
1NT 2D 2H 2S 3H/3S min + fit (H/S)

1NT 2D 2H 2NT



Rebid Meaning
1NT 2D 2H 2NT 3H/3NT/4H to play

1NT 2D 2H 3C/3D


Rebid Meaning
1NT 2D 2H 3C/3D 3H max (3H)

New suit- cue bid; agreeing minor

1NT 2D 2S/3C/3D

maximum with three card support (min K10x) and suit with reasonable chance of 4 tricks opposite an honour

3D (if available) – re-transfer to 3H

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2D 2S/3C/3D 3NT serious slam try

New Suit- slam interest, shortage

cue bid; cue bid

1NT 2D 2NT

maximum with 4 card support

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2D 2NT 3C/3S/3H(D) slam interest (cue bid)
1NT 2D 2NT 3D re-transfer

llmited cue bid

1NT 2D 3H

minimum with 4 card support

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2D 3H 3S/4C/4D slam interest, shortage (cue bid)
1NT 2D 3H 3NT serious slam try (cue bid)

1NT 2H

transfer to spades

All sequences are similar to those following 1NT-2D:

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2H 2S denies 4 card support

2NT-invit with 5S; 3C/3D/3H-natural; 3S- 6+ invit 4C/4D/4H-self splinter 6+; 4S- mild slam try; 3NT-choice
1NT 2H 2NT maximum with 4 card support

3C/3D- slam interest; 3H- re-transfer
1NT 2H 3C/3D/3H max with 3 card support (min K10x) and suit promising 4 tricks opposite an hon.

3H (if available)- re-transfer to 3S; New Suit- slam interest, shortage; 3NT- serious slam try
1NT 2H 3S 4 card support, minimum

New suit- shortage, 3NT- serious slam try

1NT 2S

shows clubs (5 good or 6+)

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2S 2NT denies Hxx or better in clubs
1NT 2S 3C promises Hxx or better in clubs

Continuations as after 1NT-2S-2NT:

1NT 2S 2NT

denies Hxx or better in clubs

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2S 2NT 3C to play
1NT 2S 2NT 3D shortage (may have a 4 card major if 5 good or 6 clubs)
1NT 2S 2NT 3H shortage (denies 4 diamonds but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 clubs)
1NT 2S 2NT 3S shortage (denies a second suit) (Natural)
1NT 2S 2NT 3NT to play
1NT 2S 2NT 4C slam try (probably no shortage) (cue bid)
1NT 2S 2NT 4D RCKB (for clubs) (Appendix 4)
1NT 2S 2NT 4H/4S 6-5 limited
1NT 2S 2NT 4NT invitational with likely 5332

1NT 2S 2NT 3D

shortage (may have a 4 card major if 5 good or 6 clubs)

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2S 2NT 3D 3H/3S natural
1NT 2S 2NT 3D 3NT natural

1NT 2S 2NT 3H

shortage (denies 4 diamonds but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 clubs)

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2S 2NT 3H 3S natural
1NT 2S 2NT 3H 3NT natural

1NT 2S 3C

promises Hxx or better in clubs

Continuations as after 1NT-2S-2NT:

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2S 3C Pass weak
1NT 2S 3C 3D shortage (may have a 4 card major if 5 good or 6 clubs)
1NT 2S 3C 3H shortage (denies 4 diamonds but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 clubs)
1NT 2S 3C 3S shortage (denies a second suit) (Natural)
1NT 2S 3C 3NT to play
1NT 2S 3C 4C slam try (probably no shortage) (cue bid)
1NT 2S 3C 4D RCKB (for clubs) (Appendix 4)
1NT 2S 3C 4H/4S 6-5 limited
1NT 2S 3C 4NT invitational with likely 5332

1NT 2S 3C 3D

shortage (may have a 4 card major if 5 good or 6 clubs)

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2S 3C 3D 3H/3S natural
1NT 2S 3C 3D 3NT natural

1NT 2S 3C 3H

shortage (denies 4 diamonds but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 clubs)

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2S 3C 3H 3S natural
1NT 2S 3C 3H 3NT natural


shows diamonds (5 good or 6+)

(could be weak 5-5 in minors)

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2NT 3C denies Hxx or better in diamonds
1NT 2NT 3D promises Hxx or better in diamonds

1NT 2NT 3C

denies Hxx or better in diamonds

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2NT 3C Pass weak 5-5 in minors
1NT 2NT 3C 3D to play
1NT 2NT 3C 3H shortage (denies 4 clubs but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 diamonds)
1NT 2NT 3C 3S shortage (denies a second suit) (Natural)
1NT 2NT 3C 3NT to play
1NT 2NT 3C 4C RKCB (for diamonds) (Appendix 4)
1NT 2NT 3C 4D slam try (probably no shortage) (cue bid)
1NT 2NT 3C 4H/4S 6-5 limited
1NT 2NT 3C 4NT invitational with likely 5332

1NT 2NT 3C 3H

shortage (denies 4 clubs but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 diamonds)

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2NT 3C 3H 3S natural
1NT 2NT 3C 3H 3NT natural

1NT 2NT 3D

promises Hxx or better in diamonds

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2NT 3D Pass weak
1NT 2NT 3D 3H shortage (denies 4 clubs but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 diamonds)
1NT 2NT 3D 3S shortage (denies a second suit) (Natural)
1NT 2NT 3D 3NT to play
1NT 2NT 3D 4C RCKB (for diamonds) (Appendix 4)
1NT 2NT 3D 4D slam try (probably no shortage) (cue bid)
1NT 2NT 3D 4H/4S 6-5 limited
1NT 2NT 3D 4NT invitational with likely 5332

1NT 2NT 3D 3H

shortage (denies 4 clubs but may Have 4 spades with 5 good or 6 diamonds)

Rebid Meaning
1NT 2NT 3D 3H 3S natural
1NT 2NT 3D 3H 3NT natural

1NT 3C

shows a hand with a singleton (S) And 4 hearts

Rebid Meaning
1NT 3C 3D asks for responders 5+ card minor

3H(C)/3S(D)- shows minor (5431/6421 shape)
1NT 3C 3H agrees hearts
1NT 3C 3S/3NT max/min with good (double) spade stop

1NT 3C 3D

asks for responders 5+ card minor

3H(C)/3S(D)- shows minor (5431/6421 shape)

Rebid Meaning
1NT 3C 3D 3NT exactly 1444 (only game values) (Natural)

1NT 3C 3H

agrees hearts

Rebid Meaning
1NT 3C 3H 3S likely void (0436/0463) (cue bid)
1NT 3C 3H 3NT serious slam try (cue bid)
1NT 3C 3H 4C/4D good suit (cue bid)

1NT 3C 3S/3NT

max/min with good (double) spade stop

Rebid Meaning
1NT 3C 3S/3NT 3NT minimum, no slam interest
1NT 3C 3S/3NT 4C/4D slam try (cue bid)

1NT 3D

5+ good/6+ suit club shortage

Rebid Meaning
1NT 3D 3H/3S natural looking for fit

1NT 3D 3H/3S

natural looking for fit

Rebid Meaning
1NT 3D 3H/3S 3NT/Raise minimum, no fit/fit
1NT 3D 3H/3S 4C/4D maximum, fit/no fit

(3S- over 3H is natural)

cue bid

1NT 3H/3S

shortage with 5-4 in minors and 3 card major

Rebid Meaning
1NT 3H/3S 3NT/5C/5D minimum

continuations show slam going hand
1NT 3H/3S 4C/4D maximum, slam try

UNBID MAJOR- suggests playing there if 3 card support (5431); Raise of shortage major – choose a minor

New Suit – cue bid

1NT 3H/3S 4C/4D

maximum, slam try

UNBID MAJOR- suggests playing there if 3 card support (5431); Raise of shortage major – choose a minor

New Suit – cue bid

Rebid Meaning
1NT 3H/3S 4C/4D 4NT 5-5

New Suit – cue bid

choose minor

1NT 4C

5-5 Majors game (only) or slam going

Rebid Meaning
1NT 4C 4D no preference
1NT 4C 4H/4S preference

1NT 4C 4D

no preference

Rebid Meaning
1NT 4C 4D 4H/4S natural (choice)

Appendix 4

1NT 4C 4H/4S


Rebid Meaning

Appendix 4

1NT 4D

transfer to 4H to play/ slam going

Rebid Meaning
1NT 4D 4H openers only bid

New Suit – Exclusion Blackwood

1NT 4D 4H

openers only bid

New Suit – Exclusion Blackwood

Rebid Meaning

Appendix 4

1NT 4H

transfer to 4S to play/slam going

Rebid Meaning
1NT 4H 4S openers only bid

New Suit – Exclusion Blackwood

1NT 4H 4S

openers only bid

New Suit – Exclusion Blackwood

Rebid Meaning

Appendix 4

1NT 4S

both minors (6-5) game values only

Rebid Meaning
1NT 4S 4NT no preference
1NT 4S 5C/5D preference

1NT 4S 4NT

no preference

Rebid Meaning
1NT 4S 4NT 5C/5D natural (choice)
